Decor-Number: 14-22054-001This exciting decor is a real treasure to behold: magnolia wood is a frequent choice as a deco-rative wood. However in nature it usually grows very slim, meaning that generous, natural layouts like this one can rarely be made reality in any form. The original material for this Mag-nolia decor probably originates in America, where this wood is thicker and stronger in some cases. In addition to its generous layout, this decor is inspirational thanks to its very special look, created by the wide growth rings and the play of colors in between. The pairing of in-tense emphasized lines and fine microstructures helps to create a lively, exciting decor.
- Decor type: Woodgrain Decor
- Woodgrain type: Other Woods
- Application type: Furniture
- Size: 750 x 1300 mm
- Compound egde partner: MKT GmbH