
Decor-Number: 14-57148-003

This is a decor that's justifiably trendy. At the moment, irregular, handcrafted fabrics are in demand, especially in the furniture industry for use on cabinet back panels or door units. Classic rattan is also popular now and can be excitingly reproduced and interpreted, especial- ly when based on woven fabrics or natural braids. Our Kalamos decor can be used in a varie-ty of ways and throughout a variety of living spaces. It is a great alternative look as an inter-mediate element in a row of furniture doors, because it refreshes the overall look in a modern way.

  • Decor type: Graphics & Structures
  • Application type: Furniture
  • Size: 640 x 1300 mm
  • Compound egde partner: MKT GmbH | REHAU